Monday, December 30, 2019
New Adventure And Excitement Of A City Girl - 860 Words
I can remember the day like its was just yesterday. The sun shinning was like a golden light of a summer evening, the skies were clear and blue as the oceans, the air was cool and soothing, there was fresh tree and grass smells, animals making noise, just lots of peace and relaxation going on. So much love from one another in a family after not seeing each other in many years was just beyond amazing. New adventure and excitement ready to begin. A city girl in the country this should be exciting and interesting. Not in a millions years would I have imagined going back to the country I was born in and having it feel like home when all I knew for a home was America. It felt like I never left. What a great feeling to feel after worrying about not fitting in and not liking it since I was so use to something different. I was filled with great joy but still worried about if I can last the whole vacation period. I was going to make the best of this vacation and enjoy everything, learn new th ings, and just explore a whole new land that was filled with adventure. Whenever I did explore the country I did get strange looks from others and sometimes questions because apparently I looked foreign. â€Å"Oh sweetie where are you from?†â€Å"Do†¦. you†¦. speak†¦Bosnian†¦can†¦you†¦. understand†¦me?†I honestly found it very funny that people asked those question and that some looked at me as if I was foreign. At certain times I would act silly and act like I didn’t understand them and even spoke EnglishShow MoreRelatedMy Position As A Greenspace Director924 Words  | 4 Pageswould often give her â€Å"quizzes†and help her learn new vocabulary words. As I grew older, teaching came naturally to me; teaching swimming and arts and crafts to summer campers, snowboarding to 7th graders, and most recently, how to grow an amazingly delicious tomato to fellow veggie lovers and school kids. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Conflict Between Conflict And Conflict - 1700 Words
There is no single, precise definition of the word conflict. However, most people recognize conflict in the forms of tension, frustration, verbal or physical abuse, disagreement, annoyance, or rivalry (Carter and Byrnes, 2006). Conflict can occur when two or more individuals or groups have differing interests. Additionally, conflict often involves one or both sides determinedly interfering with the efforts of the other side to achieve its goals. However, conflict can occur when two sides are trying to cooperate in accomplishing a common goal but have conflicting thoughts on the best course of action to pursue. Conflict can range from friendly competition to extreme violence (Carter et al., 2006). In studying the numerous varieties†¦show more content†¦A positive conflict concludes in mutual satisfaction (Drafke, 2009). Below are the benefits that might result in positive conflicts: 1. As a consequence of a conflict, talents, and abilities might emerge. When an indi vidual encounters conflict, he or she may become more resourceful than they are in a calm state (Dubrin, 2017). Conflict often instills creativity in people (Dubrin, 2017). For example, research has shown that workers exposed to a mild conflict in the work environment often obtained more job-associated information. Therefore, they performed their jobs better (Dubrin, 2017). 2. Experiencing conflict can enable one to feel better since conflict fulfills some psychological needs. Even though most people like a good fight, most individuals will be content to argue as a substitute (Dubrin, 2017). 3. Conflict can cause people to become united. As a result of a conflict, individuals involved may be made more accommodating to each other in the aftermath (Dubrin, 2017). Many believe that accommodation of disputing parties is a result of mutual experiences of being in a conflict (Dubrin, 2017) 4. Conflict can avert poor decisions in that it prevents people from agreeing too fast with each other. A potential problem of group decision making is what many refer to groupthink. Groupthink emerges when some groups become so cohesive that their tendency to agreeShow MoreRelatedConflict Between Conflict And Conflict1809 Words  | 8 PagesThe 1990s conflict in Kosovo is one that has been identified as a result of a long running and intractable dispute. The dispute identified is one between Kosovo’s Albanians or Kosovar, and the Serbians. The reasons for the dispute stem from several issues, each can be attributed to increasing the intractability of the conflict. The issues that have been identified stem from ethnic issues, or political. In the Kosovo region the ethnic issues are generally from the vast differences between the AlbaniansRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict1461 Words  | 6 PagesConflict is generally considered a typical part of human interactions and is not in itself essentially damaging. Rather, it is how conflict is managed that determines whether or not the outcomes are going to be constructive or damaging (Deutsch, 2006). Thus, conflict management, the method of managing a dispute and associated conflicts, is very important in producing satisfactory or disappointing outcomes. It is therefore vitally important to know your conflict management style, along with itsRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict1330 Words  | 6 Pages For this paper, I chose conflict because it is present in nearly every aspect of life, it is unavoidable, and knowing how to handle it is a valuable tool which I woul d like to investigate. Webster defines conflict as â€Å"A mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands†, but the reality is there is no clear definition of how conflict starts, no two conflicts are the same, and they all start for different reasons over different issuesRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict Management1164 Words  | 5 PagesThe most important point is that conflict in organizations is increasing as they become more complex, culturally diverse, and global. Conflict has been thought of as necessary at times to keep the wheels of progress turning. Therefore, concentration on conflict in organizations has went from strategies to try to eliminate it to managing it. One issue is training managers how to manage that conflict. Conflict can be detrimental or beneficial to the organization. In order to be beneficial, leadersRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict Management845 Word s  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"People are afraid of conflict because they do not have essential skills to manage it well.†This is true because according to O’Grady and Malloch (2016), conflict is reflection of an insufficient knowledge of the dynamics of conflict and a lack of capability in its management. In the case of Nancy, perhaps she needs to undergo specialty training or classes about conflict management in order to improve their unit’s dynamic or interaction. 2. â€Å"If you engage with conflict too early, there is a chanceRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict Management1772 Words  | 8 Pagesopinion there will also be a chance for some form of conflict to arise. To resolve and manage conflict, any organization or persons’ must try to understand the causes, theories, approaches and strategies of conflict management. Resolving conflict requires a great deal of attention and thorough understanding in seeking resolution. In this review, conflict management will be explored in general from different perspectives in light of how conflict effects teams or groups, workplace relationships andRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict Management1313 Words  | 6 PagesConflict and conflict management both play pivotal roles in all relationships, whether they are between friends, family, lovers, or coworkers. However, while most relationships have an abundance of conflict, the amount of properly implemented conflict ma nagement in all relationships is relatively low. This is especially surprising when you consider the sheer amount of research and counseling directed at managing conflict in constructive ways. Though the aforementioned services and research are ofRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict Management1730 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to our textbook Beebe, Beebe, Ivy (2014), â€Å"interpersonal conflict is a fact of life and eventually all relationships experience conflict†(p. 218). Precisely how the conflict is resolved left up to the involved parties. I am credible because I participated in the following conflict with my mother, analyzed the conflict using the Beebe, Beebe, Ivy (2014) text, and then used the collected information to structure this paper. The central idea of this essay is that people with conflictingRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Ethics917 Words  | 4 Pages Conflict and Ethics Conflict is not an uncommon issue that happens in various placements, including company, government office, nonprofit organization, or even military. It affects the organization by reducing productivity, decreasing communication, poorer decision-making, decreasing cooperation, and political backstabbing (Runde Flanagan, 2008). However, if the conflict is addressed effectively, it can stimulate creativity and produce more opportunities for enhance communication, better understandingRead MoreConflict Between Rational And Conflict1417 Words  | 6 Pagesrange of answers that give a perspective on the various sources of conflict. The first is that the cost of war cannot be outrageously high. The anticipated outcome of gaining resources, power, and/or territory cannot exceed the expected cost of conflict, including damages to property and life. The second is that a failure in bargaining must be present to create the inability of reaching a mutual agreement. Understanding war betwee n rational actors and why bargaining fails is based on five factors:
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Zoe’s Tale PART I Chapter Six Free Essays
â€Å"I don’t know how you could possibly be bored,†Savitri said to me, leaning on an observation deck rail as we looked out from Phoenix Station to the Magellan. â€Å"This place is great.†I looked over at her with mock suspicion. We will write a custom essay sample on Zoe’s Tale PART I Chapter Six or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Who are you, and what have you done with Savitri Guntupalli?†â€Å"I don’t know what you mean,†Savitri said, blandly. â€Å"The Savitri I know was sarcastic and bitter,†I said. â€Å"You are all gushy, like a schoolgirl. Therefore: You’re not Savitri. You are some horrible spunky camouflaged alien thing, and I hate you.†â€Å"Point of order,†Savitri said. â€Å"You’re a schoolgirl, and you hardly ever gush. I’ve known you for years and I don’t believe I have ever seen you involved in a gushing incident. You are almost entirely gush-free.†â€Å"Fine, you gush even more than a schoolgirl,†I said. â€Å"Which just makes it worse. I hope you’re happy.†â€Å"I am,†Savitri said. â€Å"Thank you for noticing.†â€Å"Hrrrumph,†I said, rolled my eyes for extra effect, and applied myself to the observation deck rail with renewed moodiness. I was not actually irritated with Savitri. She had an excellent reason to be excited; all her life she’d been on Huckleberry and now, finally, she was somewhere else: on Phoenix Station, the space station, the largest single thing humans had ever built, hovering above Phoenix, the home planet of the entire Colonial Union. For as long as I had known her – which was for as long as she had been my dad’s assistant, back in New Goa, on Huckleberry – Savitri had cultivated an air of general smart-assery, which is one reason I adored her and looked up to her. One has to have role models, you know. But after we had lifted from Huckleberry her excitement from finally getting to see more of the universe had gotten to her. She’d been unguardedly excited about everything; she even got up early to watch the Magellan, the ship that would take us to Roanoke, dock with Phoenix Station. I was happy for her that she was so excited about everything, and I mocked her mercilessly for it every chance I got. One day, yes, there would be payback – Savitri taught me much of what I know about being a smartass, but not everything she knew about it – but until then it was one of the few things keeping me entertained. Listen: Phoenix Station is huge, it’s busy, and unless you have an actual job – or like Savitri are just in from the sticks – there is nothing going on. It’s not an amusement park, it’s just a big dull combination of government offices, docks and military headquarters, all jammed into space. If it weren’t for the fact that stepping outside to get some fresh air would kill you – no fresh air, just lung-popping vacuum – it could be any big, faceless, dead-boring civic center anywhere humans come together to do big, faceless, dead-boring civic things. It is not designed for fun, or at least any sort of fun I was interested in having. I suppose I could have filed something. That would have been a kick. Savitri, in addition to being insensibly excited not to be on Huckleberry, was also being worked like a dog by John and Jane: The three of them had spent nearly all their time since we arrived at Phoenix Station getting up to speed on Roanoke, learning about the colonists who would be with us, and overseeing the loading of supplies and equipment onto the Magellan. This didn’t come as news to me, but it did leave me with not a whole lot to do, and no one much to do it with. I couldn’t even do much with Hickory, Dickory, or Babar; Dad told Hickory and Dickory to lay low while we were on Phoenix Station, and dogs weren’t really allowed the run of the station. We had to lay out paper towels for Babar to do his thing on. The first night I did this and tried to get him to take care of business, he gave me a look that said you have got to be kidding. Sorry, buddy. Now pee, damn it. The only reason I was getting some time with Savitri at all was that through a clever combination of whining and guilt I had convinced her to take her lunch break with me. Even then she had brought her PDA and spent half of lunch going over manifests. She was even excited about that. I told her I thought she might be ill. â€Å"I’m sorry you’re bored,†Savitri said, back in the present. â€Å"You might want to hint to your parents.†â€Å"Trust me, I did,†I said. â€Å"Dad actually stepped up, too. He said he’s going to take me down to Phoenix. Do some last-minute shopping and other things.†The other things were the main reason for us to go, but I didn’t want to bring them up to Savitri; I was moody enough as it was. â€Å"You haven’t come across any other colonists your own age yet?†Savitri asked. I shrugged. â€Å"I’ve seen some of them.†â€Å"But you haven’t spoken to any of them,†Savitri said. â€Å"Not really,†I said. â€Å"Because you’re shy,†Savitri said. â€Å"Now your sarcasm comes back,†I said. â€Å"I’m sympathetic to your boredom,†Savitri said. â€Å"But less so if you’re just marinating in it.†She looked around at the observation desk, which had a few other people in it, sitting or reading or staring out at the ships docked at the station. â€Å"What about her?†she said, pointing to a girl who looked about my age, who was looking out the deck window. I glanced over. â€Å"What about her?†I said. â€Å"She looks about as bored as you,†Savitri said. â€Å"Appearances can be deceiving,†I said. â€Å"Let’s check,†Savitri said, and before I could stop her called to the other girl. â€Å"Hey,†Savitri said. â€Å"Yes?†the girl said. â€Å"My friend here thinks she’s the most bored teenage girl on the entire station,†Savitri said, pointing at me. I had nowhere to cringe. â€Å"I was wondering if you had anything to say about that.†â€Å"Well,†the girl said, after a minute. â€Å"I don’t want to brag, but the quality of my boredom is outstanding.†â€Å"Oh, I like her,†Savitri said to me, and then waved the girl over. â€Å"This is Zoe,†she said, introducing me. â€Å"I can talk,†I said to Savitri. â€Å"Gretchen,†she said, extending her hand to me. â€Å"Hello,†I said, taking it. â€Å"I’m interested in your boredom and would like to hear more,†Gretchen said. Okay, I thought. I like her too. Savitri smiled. â€Å"Well, since you two seem to be equally matched, I have to go,†she said. â€Å"There are containers of soil conditioners that need my attention.†She gave me a peck, waved to Gretchen, and left. â€Å"Soil conditioners?†Gretchen said to me, after she had gone. â€Å"It’s a long story,†I said. â€Å"I’ve got nothing but time,†Gretchen said. â€Å"Savitri is the assistant to my parents, who are heading up a new colony,†I said, and pointed to the Magellan. â€Å"That’s the ship we’re going on. One of Savitri’s jobs is to make sure that everything that’s on the manifest list actually gets put on the ship. I guess she’s up to soil conditioners.†â€Å"Your parents are John Perry and Jane Sagan,†Gretchen said. I stared at her for a minute. â€Å"Yeah,†I said. â€Å"How do you know?†â€Å"Because my dad talks about them a lot,†she said, and motioned toward the Magellan. â€Å"This colony your parents are leading? It was his idea. He was Erie’s representative on the CU legislature, and for years he argued that people from established colonies should be able to colonize, not just people from Earth. Finally the Department of Colonization agreed with him – and then it gave the leadership of the colony to your parents instead of him. They told my dad it was a political compromise.†â€Å"What did your dad think about that?†I asked. â€Å"Well, I just met you,†Gretchen said. â€Å"I don’t know what sort of language you can handle.†â€Å"Oh. Well, that’s not good,†I said. â€Å"I don’t think he hates your parents,†Gretchen said, quickly. â€Å"It’s not like that. He just assumed that after everything he did, he’d get to lead the colony. ‘Disappointment’ doesn’t even begin to cover it. Although I wouldn’t say he likes your parents, either. He got a file on them when they were appointed and then spent the day muttering to himself as he read it.†â€Å"I’m sorry he’s disappointed,†I said. In my head I was wondering if I needed to write Gretchen off as a possible friend; one of those stupid â€Å"our houses are at war†scenarios. The first person my age I meet, going to Roanoke, and we were already in different camps. But then she said, â€Å"Yeah, well. At a certain point he got a little stupid about it. He was comparing himself to Moses, like, Oh, I’ve led my people to the promised land but I can’t enter myself†– and here she made little hand movements to accentuate the point – â€Å"and that’s when I decided he was overreacting. Because we’re going, you know. And he’s on your parents’ advisory council. So I told him to suck it up.†I blinked. â€Å"You actually used those words?†I said. â€Å"Well, no,†Gretchen said. â€Å"What I actually said was I wondered if I kicked a puppy if it would whine more than he did.†She shrugged. â€Å"What can I say. Sometimes he needs to get over himself.†â€Å"You and I are so totally going to be best friends,†I said. â€Å"Are we?†she said, and grinned at me. â€Å"I don’t know. What are the hours?†â€Å"The hours are terrible,†I said. â€Å"And the pay is even worse.†â€Å"Will I be treated horribly?†she asked. â€Å"You will cry yourself to sleep on a nightly basis,†I said. â€Å"Fed crusts?†she asked. â€Å"Of course not,†I said. â€Å"We feed the crusts to the dogs.†â€Å"Oh, very nice,†she said. â€Å"Okay, you pass. We can be best friends.†â€Å"Good,†I said. â€Å"Another life decision taken care of.†â€Å"Yes,†she said, and then moved away from the rail. â€Å"Now, come on. No point wasting all this attitude on ourselves. Let’s go find something to point and laugh at.†Phoenix Station was a lot more interesting after that. How to cite Zoe’s Tale PART I Chapter Six, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht Essay Example For Students
Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht Essay Khalia Frazier 11/18/13 Work used: Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht Reflective statement: how was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed through the interactive oral? In Mother Courage and Her Children the aspects of familial ties versus greed and the effect of war on humanity were explored using the technique of epic theater. In an attempt to further remove the emotional ties Brecht set his play during the Thirty Years War instead of WWII which was happening at the time, he wanted to remove all emotion and cause the audience to view his characters from an analytical standpoint so they could draw their own conclusion of the characters motives. Epic theater is a style of acting in which one makes sure that the audience is aware at all times that they are viewing a show and not real life. This method was used in the writing and producing of Mother Courage so that one could critically analyze the actions of a character instead of their words. This was done by having the actors read stage directions, turn their backs to the audience, and many other methods. The emotions that Brecht sought to exorcise were still present however, because of the deaths and other tragic events that occurred throughout the play. In almost all cultures women are seen as caregivers and protectors but Mother Courage was the exact opposite of this stereotype. She was driven by greed to do things which caused horrible fates to fall upon her children and moved from man to an, resulting in none of her children sharing the same paternal background. This could be due to the fact that Brecht himself had very little regard for womens feelings, Jumping from mistress to mistress while he was still married. Also Brecht was not around to support his children, which couldVe led to mother courages nonchalant attitude towards the wellbeing of her offspring. Although Brecht did not want it to, WWII had a very large impact on the way Mother Courage was received by audiences at the time. Brecht was strongly opposed to war and this was very obvious in the way he portrayed army leaders such as the general. The general was seen as a dimwitted man who applauded mindless violence but exuded cowardice himself. He symbolized the idiocy of war and those who believed in it. The deaths of Swiss Cheese and Kattrin both stemmed from their mothers greed along with the murder of Ellif; they were all results of the war showing that nothing good can come of it. Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht By Thelittlestoreo
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