Monday, December 30, 2019
New Adventure And Excitement Of A City Girl - 860 Words
I can remember the day like its was just yesterday. The sun shinning was like a golden light of a summer evening, the skies were clear and blue as the oceans, the air was cool and soothing, there was fresh tree and grass smells, animals making noise, just lots of peace and relaxation going on. So much love from one another in a family after not seeing each other in many years was just beyond amazing. New adventure and excitement ready to begin. A city girl in the country this should be exciting and interesting. Not in a millions years would I have imagined going back to the country I was born in and having it feel like home when all I knew for a home was America. It felt like I never left. What a great feeling to feel after worrying about not fitting in and not liking it since I was so use to something different. I was filled with great joy but still worried about if I can last the whole vacation period. I was going to make the best of this vacation and enjoy everything, learn new th ings, and just explore a whole new land that was filled with adventure. Whenever I did explore the country I did get strange looks from others and sometimes questions because apparently I looked foreign. â€Å"Oh sweetie where are you from?†â€Å"Do†¦. you†¦. speak†¦Bosnian†¦can†¦you†¦. understand†¦me?†I honestly found it very funny that people asked those question and that some looked at me as if I was foreign. At certain times I would act silly and act like I didn’t understand them and even spoke EnglishShow MoreRelatedMy Position As A Greenspace Director924 Words  | 4 Pageswould often give her â€Å"quizzes†and help her learn new vocabulary words. As I grew older, teaching came naturally to me; teaching swimming and arts and crafts to summer campers, snowboarding to 7th graders, and most recently, how to grow an amazingly delicious tomato to fellow veggie lovers and school kids. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Conflict Between Conflict And Conflict - 1700 Words
There is no single, precise definition of the word conflict. However, most people recognize conflict in the forms of tension, frustration, verbal or physical abuse, disagreement, annoyance, or rivalry (Carter and Byrnes, 2006). Conflict can occur when two or more individuals or groups have differing interests. Additionally, conflict often involves one or both sides determinedly interfering with the efforts of the other side to achieve its goals. However, conflict can occur when two sides are trying to cooperate in accomplishing a common goal but have conflicting thoughts on the best course of action to pursue. Conflict can range from friendly competition to extreme violence (Carter et al., 2006). In studying the numerous varieties†¦show more content†¦A positive conflict concludes in mutual satisfaction (Drafke, 2009). Below are the benefits that might result in positive conflicts: 1. As a consequence of a conflict, talents, and abilities might emerge. When an indi vidual encounters conflict, he or she may become more resourceful than they are in a calm state (Dubrin, 2017). Conflict often instills creativity in people (Dubrin, 2017). For example, research has shown that workers exposed to a mild conflict in the work environment often obtained more job-associated information. Therefore, they performed their jobs better (Dubrin, 2017). 2. Experiencing conflict can enable one to feel better since conflict fulfills some psychological needs. Even though most people like a good fight, most individuals will be content to argue as a substitute (Dubrin, 2017). 3. Conflict can cause people to become united. As a result of a conflict, individuals involved may be made more accommodating to each other in the aftermath (Dubrin, 2017). Many believe that accommodation of disputing parties is a result of mutual experiences of being in a conflict (Dubrin, 2017) 4. Conflict can avert poor decisions in that it prevents people from agreeing too fast with each other. A potential problem of group decision making is what many refer to groupthink. Groupthink emerges when some groups become so cohesive that their tendency to agreeShow MoreRelatedConflict Between Conflict And Conflict1809 Words  | 8 PagesThe 1990s conflict in Kosovo is one that has been identified as a result of a long running and intractable dispute. The dispute identified is one between Kosovo’s Albanians or Kosovar, and the Serbians. The reasons for the dispute stem from several issues, each can be attributed to increasing the intractability of the conflict. The issues that have been identified stem from ethnic issues, or political. In the Kosovo region the ethnic issues are generally from the vast differences between the AlbaniansRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict1461 Words  | 6 PagesConflict is generally considered a typical part of human interactions and is not in itself essentially damaging. Rather, it is how conflict is managed that determines whether or not the outcomes are going to be constructive or damaging (Deutsch, 2006). Thus, conflict management, the method of managing a dispute and associated conflicts, is very important in producing satisfactory or disappointing outcomes. It is therefore vitally important to know your conflict management style, along with itsRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict1330 Words  | 6 Pages For this paper, I chose conflict because it is present in nearly every aspect of life, it is unavoidable, and knowing how to handle it is a valuable tool which I woul d like to investigate. Webster defines conflict as â€Å"A mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands†, but the reality is there is no clear definition of how conflict starts, no two conflicts are the same, and they all start for different reasons over different issuesRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict Management1164 Words  | 5 PagesThe most important point is that conflict in organizations is increasing as they become more complex, culturally diverse, and global. Conflict has been thought of as necessary at times to keep the wheels of progress turning. Therefore, concentration on conflict in organizations has went from strategies to try to eliminate it to managing it. One issue is training managers how to manage that conflict. Conflict can be detrimental or beneficial to the organization. In order to be beneficial, leadersRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict Management845 Word s  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"People are afraid of conflict because they do not have essential skills to manage it well.†This is true because according to O’Grady and Malloch (2016), conflict is reflection of an insufficient knowledge of the dynamics of conflict and a lack of capability in its management. In the case of Nancy, perhaps she needs to undergo specialty training or classes about conflict management in order to improve their unit’s dynamic or interaction. 2. â€Å"If you engage with conflict too early, there is a chanceRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict Management1772 Words  | 8 Pagesopinion there will also be a chance for some form of conflict to arise. To resolve and manage conflict, any organization or persons’ must try to understand the causes, theories, approaches and strategies of conflict management. Resolving conflict requires a great deal of attention and thorough understanding in seeking resolution. In this review, conflict management will be explored in general from different perspectives in light of how conflict effects teams or groups, workplace relationships andRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict Management1313 Words  | 6 PagesConflict and conflict management both play pivotal roles in all relationships, whether they are between friends, family, lovers, or coworkers. However, while most relationships have an abundance of conflict, the amount of properly implemented conflict ma nagement in all relationships is relatively low. This is especially surprising when you consider the sheer amount of research and counseling directed at managing conflict in constructive ways. Though the aforementioned services and research are ofRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Conflict Management1730 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to our textbook Beebe, Beebe, Ivy (2014), â€Å"interpersonal conflict is a fact of life and eventually all relationships experience conflict†(p. 218). Precisely how the conflict is resolved left up to the involved parties. I am credible because I participated in the following conflict with my mother, analyzed the conflict using the Beebe, Beebe, Ivy (2014) text, and then used the collected information to structure this paper. The central idea of this essay is that people with conflictingRead MoreConflict Between Conflict And Ethics917 Words  | 4 Pages Conflict and Ethics Conflict is not an uncommon issue that happens in various placements, including company, government office, nonprofit organization, or even military. It affects the organization by reducing productivity, decreasing communication, poorer decision-making, decreasing cooperation, and political backstabbing (Runde Flanagan, 2008). However, if the conflict is addressed effectively, it can stimulate creativity and produce more opportunities for enhance communication, better understandingRead MoreConflict Between Rational And Conflict1417 Words  | 6 Pagesrange of answers that give a perspective on the various sources of conflict. The first is that the cost of war cannot be outrageously high. The anticipated outcome of gaining resources, power, and/or territory cannot exceed the expected cost of conflict, including damages to property and life. The second is that a failure in bargaining must be present to create the inability of reaching a mutual agreement. Understanding war betwee n rational actors and why bargaining fails is based on five factors:
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Zoe’s Tale PART I Chapter Six Free Essays
â€Å"I don’t know how you could possibly be bored,†Savitri said to me, leaning on an observation deck rail as we looked out from Phoenix Station to the Magellan. â€Å"This place is great.†I looked over at her with mock suspicion. We will write a custom essay sample on Zoe’s Tale PART I Chapter Six or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Who are you, and what have you done with Savitri Guntupalli?†â€Å"I don’t know what you mean,†Savitri said, blandly. â€Å"The Savitri I know was sarcastic and bitter,†I said. â€Å"You are all gushy, like a schoolgirl. Therefore: You’re not Savitri. You are some horrible spunky camouflaged alien thing, and I hate you.†â€Å"Point of order,†Savitri said. â€Å"You’re a schoolgirl, and you hardly ever gush. I’ve known you for years and I don’t believe I have ever seen you involved in a gushing incident. You are almost entirely gush-free.†â€Å"Fine, you gush even more than a schoolgirl,†I said. â€Å"Which just makes it worse. I hope you’re happy.†â€Å"I am,†Savitri said. â€Å"Thank you for noticing.†â€Å"Hrrrumph,†I said, rolled my eyes for extra effect, and applied myself to the observation deck rail with renewed moodiness. I was not actually irritated with Savitri. She had an excellent reason to be excited; all her life she’d been on Huckleberry and now, finally, she was somewhere else: on Phoenix Station, the space station, the largest single thing humans had ever built, hovering above Phoenix, the home planet of the entire Colonial Union. For as long as I had known her – which was for as long as she had been my dad’s assistant, back in New Goa, on Huckleberry – Savitri had cultivated an air of general smart-assery, which is one reason I adored her and looked up to her. One has to have role models, you know. But after we had lifted from Huckleberry her excitement from finally getting to see more of the universe had gotten to her. She’d been unguardedly excited about everything; she even got up early to watch the Magellan, the ship that would take us to Roanoke, dock with Phoenix Station. I was happy for her that she was so excited about everything, and I mocked her mercilessly for it every chance I got. One day, yes, there would be payback – Savitri taught me much of what I know about being a smartass, but not everything she knew about it – but until then it was one of the few things keeping me entertained. Listen: Phoenix Station is huge, it’s busy, and unless you have an actual job – or like Savitri are just in from the sticks – there is nothing going on. It’s not an amusement park, it’s just a big dull combination of government offices, docks and military headquarters, all jammed into space. If it weren’t for the fact that stepping outside to get some fresh air would kill you – no fresh air, just lung-popping vacuum – it could be any big, faceless, dead-boring civic center anywhere humans come together to do big, faceless, dead-boring civic things. It is not designed for fun, or at least any sort of fun I was interested in having. I suppose I could have filed something. That would have been a kick. Savitri, in addition to being insensibly excited not to be on Huckleberry, was also being worked like a dog by John and Jane: The three of them had spent nearly all their time since we arrived at Phoenix Station getting up to speed on Roanoke, learning about the colonists who would be with us, and overseeing the loading of supplies and equipment onto the Magellan. This didn’t come as news to me, but it did leave me with not a whole lot to do, and no one much to do it with. I couldn’t even do much with Hickory, Dickory, or Babar; Dad told Hickory and Dickory to lay low while we were on Phoenix Station, and dogs weren’t really allowed the run of the station. We had to lay out paper towels for Babar to do his thing on. The first night I did this and tried to get him to take care of business, he gave me a look that said you have got to be kidding. Sorry, buddy. Now pee, damn it. The only reason I was getting some time with Savitri at all was that through a clever combination of whining and guilt I had convinced her to take her lunch break with me. Even then she had brought her PDA and spent half of lunch going over manifests. She was even excited about that. I told her I thought she might be ill. â€Å"I’m sorry you’re bored,†Savitri said, back in the present. â€Å"You might want to hint to your parents.†â€Å"Trust me, I did,†I said. â€Å"Dad actually stepped up, too. He said he’s going to take me down to Phoenix. Do some last-minute shopping and other things.†The other things were the main reason for us to go, but I didn’t want to bring them up to Savitri; I was moody enough as it was. â€Å"You haven’t come across any other colonists your own age yet?†Savitri asked. I shrugged. â€Å"I’ve seen some of them.†â€Å"But you haven’t spoken to any of them,†Savitri said. â€Å"Not really,†I said. â€Å"Because you’re shy,†Savitri said. â€Å"Now your sarcasm comes back,†I said. â€Å"I’m sympathetic to your boredom,†Savitri said. â€Å"But less so if you’re just marinating in it.†She looked around at the observation desk, which had a few other people in it, sitting or reading or staring out at the ships docked at the station. â€Å"What about her?†she said, pointing to a girl who looked about my age, who was looking out the deck window. I glanced over. â€Å"What about her?†I said. â€Å"She looks about as bored as you,†Savitri said. â€Å"Appearances can be deceiving,†I said. â€Å"Let’s check,†Savitri said, and before I could stop her called to the other girl. â€Å"Hey,†Savitri said. â€Å"Yes?†the girl said. â€Å"My friend here thinks she’s the most bored teenage girl on the entire station,†Savitri said, pointing at me. I had nowhere to cringe. â€Å"I was wondering if you had anything to say about that.†â€Å"Well,†the girl said, after a minute. â€Å"I don’t want to brag, but the quality of my boredom is outstanding.†â€Å"Oh, I like her,†Savitri said to me, and then waved the girl over. â€Å"This is Zoe,†she said, introducing me. â€Å"I can talk,†I said to Savitri. â€Å"Gretchen,†she said, extending her hand to me. â€Å"Hello,†I said, taking it. â€Å"I’m interested in your boredom and would like to hear more,†Gretchen said. Okay, I thought. I like her too. Savitri smiled. â€Å"Well, since you two seem to be equally matched, I have to go,†she said. â€Å"There are containers of soil conditioners that need my attention.†She gave me a peck, waved to Gretchen, and left. â€Å"Soil conditioners?†Gretchen said to me, after she had gone. â€Å"It’s a long story,†I said. â€Å"I’ve got nothing but time,†Gretchen said. â€Å"Savitri is the assistant to my parents, who are heading up a new colony,†I said, and pointed to the Magellan. â€Å"That’s the ship we’re going on. One of Savitri’s jobs is to make sure that everything that’s on the manifest list actually gets put on the ship. I guess she’s up to soil conditioners.†â€Å"Your parents are John Perry and Jane Sagan,†Gretchen said. I stared at her for a minute. â€Å"Yeah,†I said. â€Å"How do you know?†â€Å"Because my dad talks about them a lot,†she said, and motioned toward the Magellan. â€Å"This colony your parents are leading? It was his idea. He was Erie’s representative on the CU legislature, and for years he argued that people from established colonies should be able to colonize, not just people from Earth. Finally the Department of Colonization agreed with him – and then it gave the leadership of the colony to your parents instead of him. They told my dad it was a political compromise.†â€Å"What did your dad think about that?†I asked. â€Å"Well, I just met you,†Gretchen said. â€Å"I don’t know what sort of language you can handle.†â€Å"Oh. Well, that’s not good,†I said. â€Å"I don’t think he hates your parents,†Gretchen said, quickly. â€Å"It’s not like that. He just assumed that after everything he did, he’d get to lead the colony. ‘Disappointment’ doesn’t even begin to cover it. Although I wouldn’t say he likes your parents, either. He got a file on them when they were appointed and then spent the day muttering to himself as he read it.†â€Å"I’m sorry he’s disappointed,†I said. In my head I was wondering if I needed to write Gretchen off as a possible friend; one of those stupid â€Å"our houses are at war†scenarios. The first person my age I meet, going to Roanoke, and we were already in different camps. But then she said, â€Å"Yeah, well. At a certain point he got a little stupid about it. He was comparing himself to Moses, like, Oh, I’ve led my people to the promised land but I can’t enter myself†– and here she made little hand movements to accentuate the point – â€Å"and that’s when I decided he was overreacting. Because we’re going, you know. And he’s on your parents’ advisory council. So I told him to suck it up.†I blinked. â€Å"You actually used those words?†I said. â€Å"Well, no,†Gretchen said. â€Å"What I actually said was I wondered if I kicked a puppy if it would whine more than he did.†She shrugged. â€Å"What can I say. Sometimes he needs to get over himself.†â€Å"You and I are so totally going to be best friends,†I said. â€Å"Are we?†she said, and grinned at me. â€Å"I don’t know. What are the hours?†â€Å"The hours are terrible,†I said. â€Å"And the pay is even worse.†â€Å"Will I be treated horribly?†she asked. â€Å"You will cry yourself to sleep on a nightly basis,†I said. â€Å"Fed crusts?†she asked. â€Å"Of course not,†I said. â€Å"We feed the crusts to the dogs.†â€Å"Oh, very nice,†she said. â€Å"Okay, you pass. We can be best friends.†â€Å"Good,†I said. â€Å"Another life decision taken care of.†â€Å"Yes,†she said, and then moved away from the rail. â€Å"Now, come on. No point wasting all this attitude on ourselves. Let’s go find something to point and laugh at.†Phoenix Station was a lot more interesting after that. How to cite Zoe’s Tale PART I Chapter Six, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht Essay Example For Students
Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht Essay Khalia Frazier 11/18/13 Work used: Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht Reflective statement: how was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed through the interactive oral? In Mother Courage and Her Children the aspects of familial ties versus greed and the effect of war on humanity were explored using the technique of epic theater. In an attempt to further remove the emotional ties Brecht set his play during the Thirty Years War instead of WWII which was happening at the time, he wanted to remove all emotion and cause the audience to view his characters from an analytical standpoint so they could draw their own conclusion of the characters motives. Epic theater is a style of acting in which one makes sure that the audience is aware at all times that they are viewing a show and not real life. This method was used in the writing and producing of Mother Courage so that one could critically analyze the actions of a character instead of their words. This was done by having the actors read stage directions, turn their backs to the audience, and many other methods. The emotions that Brecht sought to exorcise were still present however, because of the deaths and other tragic events that occurred throughout the play. In almost all cultures women are seen as caregivers and protectors but Mother Courage was the exact opposite of this stereotype. She was driven by greed to do things which caused horrible fates to fall upon her children and moved from man to an, resulting in none of her children sharing the same paternal background. This could be due to the fact that Brecht himself had very little regard for womens feelings, Jumping from mistress to mistress while he was still married. Also Brecht was not around to support his children, which couldVe led to mother courages nonchalant attitude towards the wellbeing of her offspring. Although Brecht did not want it to, WWII had a very large impact on the way Mother Courage was received by audiences at the time. Brecht was strongly opposed to war and this was very obvious in the way he portrayed army leaders such as the general. The general was seen as a dimwitted man who applauded mindless violence but exuded cowardice himself. He symbolized the idiocy of war and those who believed in it. The deaths of Swiss Cheese and Kattrin both stemmed from their mothers greed along with the murder of Ellif; they were all results of the war showing that nothing good can come of it. Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht By Thelittlestoreo
Friday, November 29, 2019
Ecomomic Forecast For 200 Essays - Inflation, Monetary Policy
Ecomomic Forecast For 200 Evaluating the bull market today, it is almost impossible to pick up a financial journal without seeing news on the bull market that some consider to be overvalued. Overvalued or fairly valued, only the future will show the truth. Either way, this market is one that has shown greater run ups and returns, than any other market in history. (Reference Appendix #1a) Recently the Dow Jones Industrial Average has reached historical highs and then receded back to previous levels, leaving investors who are used to consistent and record setting gains month after month, baffled. Both the Dow Jones and the S & P 500 indices have seen modest and even flat performances over the past three months. (Reference #1b) A recent article that was published on the front page of the Wall Street Journal emphasized that returns were flat due to the fact that investors were concerned of the possible on set of inflation. If these concerns are warranted and inflation is thus expected, the Bull market may very we ll be over. This after all makes sense, inflation has slowed and stopped many run-ups in the past, and the onset of inflation now could very well do the same. While the article introduced some possibilities, it said nothing of the likelihood, the causes of, the Fed.'s reactions to, and the probability of expected inflationary increases in the future. This paper is thus dedicated to expanding on these ideas by exploring the rationality of these concerns by examining the circumstances surrounding inflation. It is my speculation that the Bull market may eventually correct itself in the future, but not in the short term due to immediate inflation. That is, that the market was in fact flat due investors concerns, but actual imperative inflation does not look to be expected in the near future. In order to begin to understand the nature of market trends and forces, one must first consider the current state of the U.S. economy relative to its' business cycle. Certain aggregates can be measu red that tell us a great deal about this. These aggregates have a strong history of leading, coinciding, or lagging the relative business cycle with a high amount of regular correlation. Appendix 2a contains illustrations, which show graphically the trends of the leading, lagging, and coincident indicators over the past few years. These graphs are composites of each group, and upon examination it is clear that all the indicators are rising. In fact the composite index of leading indicators shows that they have not experienced a significant downturn since the early 1980's, and have been increasing rather sharply over the past 3 years. The fact that all of these indicators are currently rising indicate that the economy is in a period of robust growth, or an expansionary phase. The fruits of this expansion have proven to be many, however it is often said that too much of a good thing can be bad. In this regard there are factors associated with the degree and nature of this economy, whi ch could cause slowdown. For example, how is inflation measured, and to what degree should we be concerned with the effects and attributes of cost- push and demand- pull sources of inflation in this robust economy? According the Baye and Jansen, inflation can be measured by considering the growth of the money supply, the growth of M velocity, and the growth of real output. Algebraically this is represented by the equation: inflation = (gm + gv) - gy. This equation thus considers the monetary, supply-push, and demand-pull factors. When the rate of inflation is measured in this way one can see, that over the last few years inflation has been relatively stable about its' trend. This is in part, a result of the steady growth of GDP over the same period, and is testimony to the success of the Federal Reserve Board's monetary and fiscal policies. The rates of inflation over the last 10 years are graphically illustrated in Appendix 3A. Cost-push inflation incurs when the prices of inputs f or production increase and thus cause profit margins to diminish. If firms are unwilling or unable to accept the declination in operating income, they will pass
Monday, November 25, 2019
Role of gender in international migration Essays
Role of gender in international migration Essays Role of gender in international migration Essay Role of gender in international migration Essay Over the last few decennaries the function of gender in international migration has mostly been ignored. This is despite the fact that gender plays a really important function in the analysis of international migration. Migration theory has mostly focused on the causes of international migration and their wake. ( Bernhard. Judith. Patricia et Al. 2006 ) Without a clear apprehension of the function of gender in international migration it becomes hard to explicate the causes of adult females migration. why adult females are represented in certain labour flows and non others and so on. It does non explicate why adult females may be motivated to go international migrators. why they choose refugee or refuge position and why they are normally trafficked. Migration may bring forth wholly different results for both work forces and adult females. Currently adult females constitute about half of all international migrations. ( Hondagneu-Sotelo. Pierrette ) . During the 1970s adult females migrated as married womans and girls but today they migrate entirely representing what is known as primary migrators instead than secondary migrators. The major finish for adult females migrators in developing states is the Gulf rich part and Western Asia whereas in developed states they head to US. Western Europe and Australia. ( Pessar Patricia. 1999 ) . The adult females largely head off as domestic workers. Some states such as Sri Lanka and Philippines promote adult females to migrate as domestic workers in order to hike remittals back place. ( United Nations Population Fund. 2006 ) The development of service based economic systems in the station industrial states favours the migration of adult females unlike in the industrial age where bluish collar workers were in demand. The work performed by immigrant adult females subsidizes the work that would hold been performed by the in-between category and affluent adult females of developed states thereby liberating them to prosecute other activities in concern and professional chases. They may besides pass more clip with their kids in order to transfuse values in them. The migration of adult females has produced great inequalities between adult females while go forthing the male laterality integral. Furthermore nowadays these adult females are separated from their kids and this greatly disturbs the traditional household set-up. Sometimes the female parent may remain for up to fifteen old ages before re-uniting with her kids. To to the full understand the function of gender in international migration you have to understand to the full the chief types of migration such as impermanent. permanent. illegal. labor and migration due to war or struggles. During the 1970s adult females were perceived as passive in migration and migration merely tended to speak about work forces and their households. However as more adult females began to work and as the feminist motion begun to pick up the function of gender became more important. There are three distinguishable phases where gender dealingss and functions affect international migration forms. ( Boyd Monica. Grieco Elizabeth. March 2003 ) . The first phase is the pre-migration phase. In this phase there are many factors that exist that make it more or less possible for adult females to migrate. They include both system and macro factors such as the economic system of the state. and single factors such as gender specific phase in the life-cycle. Gender dealingss within the household affect the migration patterns because it is at the household where the male authorization is most seeable. The household decides the function of the adult female and assigns her responsibilities which determine the comparative motive to migrate. It is the household that decides the distribution of resources and information that can promote or deter migration. The interaction of women’s functions. position. and age within a peculiar socio-cultural context consequences in a migratory chance which can impact the migratory chance of adult females to migrate. ( Zionic Haria. 2003 ) . The civilization of the directing state determines the likeliness that adult females in assorted places will migrtate. In this respect a woman’s place in the directing society non merely influences her ability to independently make up ones mind to migrate and to entree the resources needed to make so. but besides the chance to migrate when she decides to make so. Certain macro features of the state of beginning can besides act upon gender specific migration. These features ever do interact with the gender dealingss and place of adult females in the sending society and affect determinations about who moves and who doesn’t. These features include the province of the country’s economic system and the type of economic activity prevalent whether agricultural. industrial or service economic system ; the types of economic systems within the assorted communities. degree of supplanting caused by the economic alterations and displacements in agricultural production and the conditions of work. Decisions made at the pre-migration phase are influenced by a assortment of gender related factors. In certain fortunes work forces are more likely to go forth while in others adult females are more likely to go forth. However the determination to go forth is non the same thing as to be allowed to go out or come in a specific state. Through their policies. states are major influencers in the international migration procedure. National policies of the states of beginning can act upon migration through regulations of issue that may impact work forces and adult females migrators otherwise. For case some labour exporting states have implemented conditions that protect adult females against development and this prevents them from prosecuting in labour migration. In decision gender greatly affects both the extent and the form of international migration. As more adult females move into the work force particularly in developing states there will be continued addition in feminisation of migration. This will bring forth great inequalities between adult females and households in both the development and developed states. Works cited Bernhard. Judith. Patricia Landoit and Luin Goldring. 2006. Transnational. Multi-Local Motherhood: Experiences of separation and Reunification among Latin American Families in Canada . CERIS. Policy affairs. No24. January 2006. Boyd Monica. Grieco Elizabeth ( March 2003 ) . Migration Policy Institute. Women and Migration: Integrating Gender into International migration Theory. 5 June 2009 hypertext transfer protocol: //www. migration policy. com/migration policy. html Hondagneu-Sotelo. Pierrette. ’Overcoming Patriarchal Constraints: The Reconstruction of Gender Relations Among Mexican Immigrant Women and Men . Gender and Society. Vol. 6. No. 3. 393-415 ( 1992 ) Pessar. Patricia. 1999. Engendering Migration Studies: The instance Of New Immigrants in the United States . American Behavioral Scientist 42 ; 577. Zionik. Haria. 2003. The Global Dimensions of Female Migration. 5 June 2009. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. migrationinformation. org/Feature/display. cfm? ID=109. hypertext markup language
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Man of steel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Man of steel - Essay Example This paper outlines the life of Kal-El and other characters as outlined in the story, man of steel, relation of his story to philosophers and the moral lessons learnt from the story. The story of Kal-El is compatible with the philosophies of Mark D. White, superman. The philosopher states that ethics is what should be displayed with great heroes. He further says that not all people traits are always the same, but we can learn from our heroes. He believes personal ethics can be developed by an individual. The philosophies of Mark D. White, outlines the case with the pantheon of superheroes where Superman is one of the recognized and respected character of all time. Clark Kent/Kal-El is a young youth in his twenties who feels alienated by powers further than his thoughts (Sazaklis 2013). He was transported to Earth years ago from Krypton in a highly superior way. Clark tries to figure out the ultimate query Why am I here? created by the principles of his parents Martha and Jonathan Ken (Sazaklis 2013). On the other hand, philosopher Aamir Hussain e is quoted as saying that the story is full of individualism since the adult Superman is guided by individualism. At the end of the story, Clark is quoted telling the US general that he (Superman) is here to help when necessary, but it will be on his own conditions. He will not be dictated by anyone. The factor of individualism is evident in the story through Clark. He discovers that he has some extraordinary ideas means of making complicated decisions. At a time when the world is in need of strength, a threat emerges (Sazaklis 2013). Clark ought to become a Man of Steel, who protects the citizens he loves and shine as signs of hope to the human race. Also, the story is compatible with the philosophies of Plato since Clark considers himself as a more genius person in the society. The philosophy of Plato said "You will give the people an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 24
Assignment Example Without reducing aggression and violence, it is impossible to create peace, harmony law & order across Africa, which are the prerequisites for development (Brito, 2010). It should be pointed out that Rwanda ethnic violence was started in April 1994 during which more than 0.8 million civilians and politicians (mostly Tutsis), police officers and military soldiers lost their lives. It was one of the worst genocides in the history which was triggered after the assassination of Rwandan President named Juvenal Habyarimana, a representative from majority Hutu group. Unequivocally, the Tutsis were alleged for targeting the plane of President by rockets in an attempt to debilitate Hutus across Rwanda. However, it should not be forgotten that tensions between Hutus and Tutsis already existed; therefore, the President’s assassination should be considered as the only motive that sparked this brutal massacre. It is worthwhile to mention that Paul Kagame was among the founder leaders of Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which was actually a rebel group working under explicit and implicit support of Tutsi refugees in Rwanda followed by assistance by ‘mo derate Hutus’. Indeed, the actual cause of this ethnic turmoil was the unilateral and open support to Hutu civilians by Rwandan military, political groups, police and entrepreneurs that were strictly against the presence of Tutsis across Rwanda. Also, they organized a rebel group named ‘Interahamwe’ to carry out this genocide (BBC Report, 2008). It is worthwhile to point out that African continent has remained the centre of civil disobedience movements, internal conflicts, ethnic turmoil, rebellions, militancy, religious intolerance, war among nations, bad governance and political unrest because of weaknesses in systems and political institutions. Indeed, some major countries where the aforementioned factors have been observed
Monday, November 18, 2019
Re-writing a Creative Writing piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Re-writing a Creative Writing piece - Essay Example She entered the postgraduate door and nodded to greet the porter who was still on the telephone but was courteous enough to nod back. After checking for mail she turned towards the library, her head full of the dreaming spires and grey skies of Oxford. The hushed atmosphere of the library was like a second home. Mohamed searched his usual furrow of bookshelves, selecting a complete works of Shakespeare, a very large English/Arabic dictionary and the post-colonial journal that he was currently working his way through. He went back to the table where he left his briefcase, passing by the section for women’s studies. The hours passed just like minutes and when the college clock struck eleven, Mohamed retired to the prayer room. As he passed by the common room on the way back, he saw Alice beaming and showing a glint in her blue eyes. â€Å"Yes, but it is our culture. Our women do not feel that it’s unfair. Besides, Islam allows us to have four wives at the most. Usually, we can afford only one. But our society is compassionate. Children are born into a loving home with all that they need. The men do not need to go astray because they always have a woman at home for, for†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Yes, of course. And there are things that I find hard to understand. Sometimes I just don’t get what men are all about. Strange, isn’t it? We both come from far places to seek knowledge in this ancient place.†As I reviewed the article, particularly the dialogue, while taking consideration of the feedbacks gathered, I realized that there was a tendency for the two characters to indeed sound like the other. This was expected if the writer does not put himself into each character’s distinct natures. This could also be the reason why a reader would think that the dialogue sounds too formal or scripted. Because of this, I had to make sure that the manners in which Mohamed and Alice would state
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Factors that are Affecting the Environment
Factors that are Affecting the Environment 1D.8 Identify the human activities that affect the Earth and its environment. There are various human activities that affect the Earths environment these are : Air Pollution from burning of Fossil fuels Water Pollution from use of fertilizers and dumping of trash 2D.P8 Describe the human activities that affect the Earth and its environment. Air pollution from burning of Fossil Fuels The transportation used in day to day life produces a lot of smoke and harmful gasses such as Carbon Monoxide, Carbon dioxide Sulfur dioxide. It is released in the air from the combustion of fossil fuels; this pollutes the air. Inefficient engines release excess carbon monoxide ; a poisonous gas harming organisms in that environment. Sulfur dioxide can mix with water in the clouds and form an acidic solution which contributes to acid rain, this acidity damages plants and aquatic ecosystems as some organisms cannot survive in acidic environments. Acid rain also damages and erodes some man-made structures such as limestone statues etc. Carbon dioxide emissions also contribute to the global warming of the planet, as it builds up in the atmosphere it gradually traps heat which over time raises the temperature of the planet; this can be fatal to all ecosystems and environments. Water Pollution from use of fertilizers and various waste materials The rise of capitalism and consumerism has led to a growth of various products and food being produced at a faster rate. Modern Agriculture uses many synthetic fertilizers which dominantly contains the essential nutrients for plant growth such as nitrogen, potassium phosphorus. They are given to plants to enhance their growth maximize their yield. When applied, the excess fertilizer or nutrients can leak from the soil into nearby water sources as the minerals are very soluble in water; this pollutes the water and starts the process of eutrophication and harms the aquatic ecosystem. Eutrophication starts when Excess fertilizer enters a water source such as a lake The excess fertilizer in the lake boosts the growth of all the aquatic plants at an elevated scale Algae overtime covers the surface of the lake preventing sunlight from reaching the plants underneath, in turn, the plants die and oxygen is no longer produced from them. The dead plants in the lake then are decomposed by aerobic bacteria which use the oxygen up while doing so, this leads to a gradual decline of oxygen in the lake. Over time the lake goes lifeless as there is no longer enough oxygen to sustain the aquatic organisms in it Fertilizers are fatal to aquatic ecosystems and environments in excess. In addition sewage and waste products can also runoff or end up in aquatic environments and either kill the organisms in it or pose a serious hazard to its inhabitants. 1D.9 Identify natural factors that have changed the surface and atmosphere of the Earth. The Natural factors that have altered the earths surface and atmosphere are : Earthquakes from the movement of tectonic plates Volcanic Eruptions from Volcanic activity 2D.P9 Describe natural factors that have changed the surface and atmosphere of the Earth. Earthquakes from the movement of tectonic plates An earthquake is a sudden violent movement of the upper crust caused by either the movement of large tectonic plates or heavy volcanic activity. When the tectonic plates suddenly move it causes the entire ground to shake and break apart. some earthquakes make the ground shake so violently that it destroys entire landscapes and environments. However, earthquakes can also cause landslides and tsunamis, change geology and ruin natural habitats of many living creatures. For instance, when an earthquake happens in the middle of the ocean, it can create waves that are so large that they destroy coastlines, cities, and forests hundreds of miles away. Earthquakes have helped to shape the Earths landscapes, but they also continue to alter those landscapes. Earthquakes are dangerous to human, plant and animal life, and when large earthquakes occur, they have the power to drastically change the surface of the Earth. Volcanic Eruptions from Volcanic activity Volcanic eruptions involve the incursion of liquid magma into a physical environment, and the effects include major transformations, ranging from the formation of new land to the destruction of the viability of an existing environment. Just one example of the creation of new land comes from the Hawaiian Islands, which appeared as magma cooled into land after eruptions. As lava flows across the ground in the wake of a volcanic eruption, any existing plant life is at risk of immediate destruction. When lava mixes in with melting snow or rain water, the flow speeds up, and the environmental effects accelerate as well, because the destructive effects of the lava largely remain, but the spread is generally wider and takes place more quickly. An example of this took place in Montserrat when Chances Peak entered a phase of eruption between 1995 and 2000. In 1995, the mountain began giving off signs of coming activity through eruptions of ash and dust. The most intense eruptions took place in 1997, and 11,000 people were evacuated to the northern end of the island as well as to other islands. The result of the eruptions involved the covering of the capital in mud and ash, and the destruction of more than a dozen settlements which have been rendered uninhabitable.   Â
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Leadership Study Essay -- Leadership
The ability to be a leader has been studied extensively. Throughout this extensive study, some have pointed to leadership being a born trait (Northouse, 2012) while others point to the ability to learn the skills associated with becoming a great leader (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy, 2012). While each side has its own valid points, one way to argue either way to see these skills in action. Whether these skills are seen in a high school student government association or the office of a large nationwide non-profit, they are present. The study of leadership has led to the description of several different styles of leadership. These styles include legitimate, expert, information, connections, referent, coercion and reward power. No matter the type of experiences a person has, they will most likely see these types of power. Legitimate power may be one of the easiest forms of power to identify. Hughes and colleagues (2012) refer to legitimate power as one’s formal or official authority. This power is mostly appointed, but can be given through democratic processes (Sager, 2008). A leader who asks someone to complete a task or assigns a specific role to someone can be seen as legitimate. Local culture, as defined by the bureaucratic and chain of command within an organization, is a great way to identify who has legitimate power. A call center environment is a great example of this legitimate power hierarchy. Within one such environment the company was divided amongst several different leaders. The top of the hierarchy was the channel manager, who is held accountable to the client. Below this level are two managers who assign the task of contacting customers to those employees who make direct contact with clients. These two managers mon... ...l and the organization. Works Cited Culley, M.R. and Hughes, J. (2008). Power and public participation in a hazardous waste dispuit: A community case study, American journal of community psychology, 41, 98-114. DOI: 10.1007/s10464-007-9157-5. Hughes, R., Ginnett, R., & Curphy, G. (2012). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience. (7 ed.). Montouri, Amsterdam: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Northouse, P. (2012). Leadership: Theory and practice. (6 ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publishing. Sager, J. (2008) Sources of power. In Rothman, J, Erlich, J.L. and Tropman, J.E. (Eds.), Stratgeies of community intervention (pp. 425-446). Peoesta, Iowa, Eddie Bowers publishing co. inc.. Strom, S. (9 July 2008) Funds misappropriated at 2 non-profit groups. New York Times. Retrieved from on May 25, 2012.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Essay
1) Rock solid, unshakeable confidence You can see from Martin Luther King’s body language that he was calm and grounded as he delivered his speech. Although you can’t see his feet as he’s speaking, I’d imagine him to be heavily planted to the ground, with a solid posture that says â€Å"Here I am. I’m not budging. Now, you come to me.†As a speaker, Martin Luther King had the solidity that is surely only found with those who have completely aligned their actions with their firm commitment. The 200,000 people at the Washington rally could not have pushed King off-track if they’d tried, so solid was he in his convictions. Self-belief from a beyond-personal source gives this sort of power – and you can see the impact. Martin luther king with this faith 2) The Voice It would always take a commanding voice to inspire thousands and Martin Luther King’s booming voice was well practiced in his capacity as a Baptist preacher. His cadence, his pacing and his preacher-like drama bring real passion to the speech. Martin Luther King used powerful, evocative language to draw emotional connection to his audience, such as: â€Å"Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice.†â€Å"This sweltering summer of the Negro’s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.†â€Å"We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities†Martin luther king let freedom ring 3) Rhythm & Repetition The intensity of King’s speech is built through bold statements and rhythmic repetition. Each repetition builds on the one before and is reinforced by Martin Luther King’s ever increasing passion. â€Å"We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the negro’s basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. â€Å"Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.†â€Å"Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.†As the speech comes to a close the pace of Martin Luther King’s repetition increases, helping to build to a crescendo. 4) Ditching the Script If that wasn’t dramatic enough, Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream†speech was never meant to even include its most famous sequence and climax. Originally penned under several names, such as the catchy â€Å"normalcy speech†and â€Å"A Cancelled check†, King put aside his script ten minutes into the speech. Few would dare risk it at such a moment, but King was said to have responded to the cry of Gospel singer Mahalia Jackson â€Å"Tell ‘em about the dream, Martin!†and ad-libbed what came next. This is what gave â€Å"I have a dream†its raw power and edge – King was living the words that he spoke. 5) With, not ‘at’ his people It’s thought that King ditched the script so that he could connect more with his audience. And it worked. â€Å"I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations,†he begins. King goes on to talk to his audience and their personal situations directly, â€Å"Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.†King is with the people, fully connecting to them with his eyes and delivering a powerful rhythm in his speaking. Martin Luther King’s script writer, Clarence B Jones reflected, â€Å"It was like he had an out-of-body experience.†So often it is the speaker who is flexible and vulnerable enough to connect with their audience who has the most powerful impact.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Different Origins of Horse Breeds essays
Different Origins of Horse Breeds essays Have you ever wondered where different breeds of horses originated from? Many people probably dont care. But some people might find it interesting. Horses are bred for different structure, work and speed and come from all over the world. Horses are very unique in when and where they originated from. The Shire horse is the purest survival of an early type, which was spoken of by medieval writers as the 'Great Horse.' If this horse did not originate in England, this country at a very early date acquired a widespread reputation for producing it. Indeed, the English 'Great Horse' seems to have been a native development of that British 'War Horse' whose strength, courage and aptitude for discipline are spoken of in high terms by the Roman legions at their first landing upon these shores. The Clydesdale is a breed of heavy draft horse developed in and deriving its name from the district in Scotland where it was founded. The farmers of Lanarkshire, through which the River Clyde flows, evolved its type. The old name for Lanarkshire is Clydesdale. The exact origins of the Percheron have been lost over time. Some believe they are descendants of the original horses found in the region during the Ice Age. Regardless of its ancient beginnings it is known that at two points in history the native mares of the Le Perche region of France were mated with Arab stallions, first during the eighth century and later during the Middle Ages. By the time of the crusades the Percheron was widely recognized as outstanding for his substance and soundness, as well as for his characteristic beauty and style. The America Saddlebred horse was first mentioned in official government correspondence in 1776. It has been written that Paul Revere's mount for his famous ride was a Narraganset Pacer, a breed that was important in the development of the Saddlebred. American Saddlebred horses accompanied pioneers f ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Virgin Blues Strategy
Virgin Blues Strategy Introduction This paper tackle the virgin blue company in Australia and the strategies it uses to be an outstanding brand not only in Australia but also in neighboring countries. Some of its competitive advantage has been discussed and also its current marketing strategies it’s using to reach where it is today. The summary of the paper has highlighted some of recommendations which can make Virgin Blue sustain it success in AustraliaAdvertising We will write a custom report sample on Virgin Blues Strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Virgin blue competitive advantage Competitive advantage is the traits or characteristic the company has which puts it on upper hand than other close competitors (Porter 1985) Virgin blue velocity frequent flyer reward program Members are allowed to purchase tickets which have got points which are accumulated. This allows them to save points which can book off peak flights. if points accumulate t hen they can be used to book a seat just before the deadline, this is an advantage that stands only in virgin blue, they are sustainable because even if the customer is booking the flight using points he must have travelled severally and purchased these flyers hence even before the flyers have accumulated enough points, the virgin blue is already having its profits. This competitive advantage I believe is more sustainable and it makes the customer feel that they have also owned the company. Still this may be short lived because as it makes more routes the more the customer will accumulate many points which will be subject to the booking of more trips which might be only serviced by points instead of money. Virgin blue extends domestic routes With new jets virgin blue has progressively been able to enter new domestic routes by introducing new jets to service new points and routes which were unconcealed and also supporting those routes by their larger capacity routes in order to maint ain those routes. This may be sustainable by the virtual that the established routes are earning big profits the virgin blue will be able to work their way to the profit. Contrary this may not only be easy because this domestic flight may not be profitable because the customers may be having alternative travelling method domestically which they may prefer to the air travel. Due to transport charges customers may prefer using land transport. On the other hand ,the issue of the established routes supporting the domestic routes may be short lived this is because the larger capacity jets may not be profitable enough to support the domestic routes and also may not be deployable in those domestic routes given their capacity.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Low air fares in virgin blue Virgin blue since it started in Australia has been a discount airline whereby it has g ot low cost carrier. This made virgin blue to have many customers whom were able to afford for the fare, this consequently made virgin blue to be the second airline in Australia. This is usually sustainable by the fact that the virgin blue is the second airline in Australia in terms of service provision. However were it not for this offer, virgin blue most likely could have been the leading service provider in Australia. According to Slepen (2005) virgin has worked on the evolution of low cost carriers which it says it is a new world carriers completely different from other carriers in the sense that it is introduced as a network rather than carriers which operates from one point to another. This can be sustainable because virgin blue does not operate from only one point to the next but a network which operates within where the company is located. This diverse operation brings trust to the customers who operate from different areas not only from the home market. On the other hand, p oint to point carriers may appear effective if the company is operating within a local or domestic setting and since the virgin blue has adopted the domestic flights the low cost carrier network may not work well so still they have got to work with one point to the other carrier rather than the network. Advertising in virgin blue Virgin blue has been advertising using the internet and this has been very effective especially when it comes to social sites such as face book and twitter and also Wifi internet access for those who are travelling. Still virgin blue has been advertising through news papers which have also proved to be very effective. For example in the newspapers they posted an advert ‘pass the parcel ‘which was also advertised in the internet. This was after 9 years of operations and they took it as the world biggest game for the 9th birthday.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Virgin Blues Strategy specifically for you for only $16.0 5 $11/page Learn More In participating in the game an individual was supposed to un-wrap the parcel and one has a chance of passing the parcel to friends who are still to do the same. This also allows the participants to win prizes and also increase their chances of winning if they pass on to friends (Global advertising archive 2011) Virgin blue current marketing strategies are both deliberate and emergent. This is shown in the following ways; Marketing strategies as deliberate process Virgin blue as we have seen from the above newspaper and internet advert is a deliberate process this is because the adverts are only posted in internet through the comment of the owner, hence virgin blue usually pays for those adverts with the aim of many people accessing them and also others participating in them to win prizes. Virgin blue has deliberately used velocity reward system to attract its customers by making its customers to earn points which can be redeemed and pay for hol iday packages also redeem seats with all those partners who are in velocity Airlines partners. This strategy is for marketing purposes because they make customers enjoy many diversified services from many partners by joining the velocity. This strategy has attracted customers towards the services of virgin blue. Another deliberate marketing strategy is using low cost air which is targeted to winning trust among many customers. This was done to counter the competition of others companies which are offering the same services. This to a great extent has enabled Virgin Blue to be popular and a great number of customers are enjoying its services due to that fact. The increased domestic routes in Australia are another marketing strategy which was deliberately started to increase the company’s effective and dominance in Australia through their excellent customer service. Marketing strategies as emergent process Despite the fact that virgin blue has been so vibrant, in its marketing strategies, not all marketing strategies it has devised has been successful, other marketing strategies which have emerged in the market has assisted virgin blue despite that it has not contributed towards those strategies. As mentioned earlier social network has also contributed towards virgin blue because in those social networks one can only sign in an account and all those other marketing strategies thereon are usually dictated by those who are viewing your page. This means that when one reads a virgin blue article he or she may like the article and recommend it to other friends who are in those social networks; this has drastically popularized virgin blue.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Marketing Strategies Swot analysis Virgin Blue has used its strengths to market the services of the airline. The airline has introduced low cost fares and a reward system for the customers. Besides low cost fares, it has high quality service and has increased the frequency of the route. The other strength is in the addition of domestic routes and introduction of international route. Virgin blue has been keen to avoid situations that would reveal weaknesses. The employees are well trained under a special program to prepare them for competitive service. One of the weaknesses is the cabins. Virgin Blue has increased the frequency of routes and added other routes to its network which gives it the opportunity to be the proffered choice for domestic travel. Although the jets were ideal to make the domestic route sustainable, the locals are hesitant to spend. There is reduced traveling due to the past disasters that has affected the economy of the potential client and the leisure destinati ons. Another the low cost are challenged by the constantly increasing prices of fuel which is a major threat. The fuel prices cause inflation of prices. Competitive analysis This is usually the close examination analysis or assessment of the competitors’ strength and weaknesses. It provides defensive strategies together with offensive strategies (Fleisher, Craig and Babette, 2003). This will reveal the opportunities that a company is exposed to and also the threats that may come along if the company will venture in that particular business (Gordon, 1989) Virgin blue took into account the fare prices that the other competitors were offering and chose to give lower their rates. Implementing the low cost, they maintain the clients by giving quality services to retain them. The innovation of the rewards system is retaining in the competitive market. Virgin Australia a competitor was forced to discard its pricing list and adjusted them to be able to get domestic passengers. This w as due to the fact that Virgin Blue had introduced low prices and was getting a lot of domestic customers. Other airlines introduced discounts for the domestic as well as international market. This completion led to low priced for domestic air travel. During the same rime the fuel prices were increasing which became a challenge to the businesses. Internal analysis (4 P’S) The 4 p’s marketing strategies usually covers the product being involved in the market, its price bonds the publicity and the place the business is usually carried out in. Virgin Blue ensures that the jets are in good shape and are maintained so as to remain as the best jets for domestic travel. Some of the jets have leather seats and offer food among other benefits while traveling. All these services are given for low cost. The cost is friendly to the public. They bond with the public by introducing a reward system that encourages the public to associate with the organization. They further make it po ssible for the public to be able to access most parts of the country more often. The airline company ensures that it meets the customer’s needs by giving services that they require. For instance, Virgin Blue increased the number of routes especially in destinations that people conduct business. They added the number of jets to accommodate travel needs of the customers. They also started flying into leisure destinations. Besides improving the domestic flights, it also extended airline service across the border making it possible for people to access other international destinations. Porter five forces The five porter forces by the analysis are an effective strategy. Virgin Blue has maintained the existing competition and conquered by causing more competition. By introducing the reward system that involves accumulation of points, it maintained its customers and won others (Bobette, 2011). The strategy of maintaining the customers protects Virgin Blue from losing customers to a new competitor. The airline company realized that the customers compare prices and the quality services other competitors have. It made arrangements to lower the fares and gave the best service to the customer. Virgin Blue recognizes the fact that other airlines are capable of becoming the best and therefore it makes arrangement for a strategy which will make it the convenient provider of services. Lastly, force of a replacement by the road transport is considered. Virgin Blue lower the price encourage people fly instead of going by road. Appropriate changes in Virgin blue Marketing strategies The marketing strategies so far virgin blue has been demonstrating are appropriate thanks to its continued making profits but still more can be done to make sure that its success in the Australian airline is guaranteed. Virgin blue has been known by its incorporation of female names and words from Australia which brings a great deal of its airplane in Australia (Journal of marketing 2011). How ever this can also be supplemented by using Australian names which talks much about its culture and traditions which are deep rooted in aboriginal art that is indigenous Australian art. This will assist the virgin blue to appear to have adopted the culture of Australia and the issue of owning the company in Australia may be enhanced. Virgin blue should offer more partnership with cricket in Australia which falls among the most popular sports in Australia this will make the virgin blue to be popular not only in the Australia but also worldwide. Virgin blue should speed up regional expansion strategies to make sure that it operates on other new regional routes apart from the one which has been in operation (Ian, 1989). This will make Virgin Blue to be advantaged over other airlines because it will take all the terminals to the customers and its efficiency will of course have taken its customers confidence. Virgin Blue should expand its partnership to many non competing companies in Au stralia to promote their services while these companies may do the same, for example clothe companies’ beverage companies and many others. The issue of social responsibility in Australian society should be embraced by virgin blue whereby it should deal with externalities, that is environmental damages which might arise due to their operations and also giving back to the society in form of foundation and many more. Summary The above research has essentially identified the strategies which virgin blue has used for it to reach those high levels of success (Stephen, 2005). It is evident that for any company to excel it must have a sustainable competitive advantage for it to survive the competition locally and globally. Virgin blue has demonstrated to be a company on its own class; it has incorporated strategies which not many companies under the same scope would be able to improvise. Secondly any company which is competing globally should at least have knowledge of other companie s in the market and this can only be done through competitive analysis of other competing companies. It’s through this analysis that we learn strengths and weaknesses of the competitors. It is also recommended that a company before entering into any competitive market it should first analyze its strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats which are in the environment, commonly known as SWOT analysis. Reference List Bobette, K., 2011. Stronger SWOT Analysis and Marketing 4 p’s. Web. Fleisher, C. S. and Babette, E., 2003. Strategic and Competitive Analysis: Methods and Approaches to Analyzing Business Competition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall publishers. Global adversity archive., 2011. Virgin blue: pass the parcel. Web. Ian, G., 1989. Beat the Competition: How to Use Competitive Intelligence to Develop Winning Business Strategies. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Publishers. Journal of marketing., 2011. Marketing power. Web. Porter, M. E., 1985. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. 1 Edition. New York: The Free Press. Stephen, B., 2005. Virgin blue maneuvers. Available at
Monday, November 4, 2019
Preparing a contract administration plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Preparing a contract administration plan - Essay Example The company adopts contract administration plan. This plan, as implemented by the company includes a series of measures undertaken to ensure that contracts execution are monitored for effective performance. One of the approaches adopted by the company towards contract administration is a well established â€Å"contract management system,†a system that records information about contracts for effective management. In order to maximize its capacity to manage data on processes and transactions, the organization applies a combination of data base applications that include â€Å"Access, FoxPro and SQL†(Harmon and Stephan, 2001, P. 2). The three systems have historically been incorporated into the organizational management to ensure continuity and familiarity in management processes. The organization has also implemented contract administration plan through ‘well-managed’ schedules. Adoption of electronic approach by the company has particularly facilitated an efficient contract management plan. Through this approach, the company ensures predefined and planned undertakings in executing contracts. The management schedule has also facilitated proper administration of processes that are undertaken in pursuing contracts. Similarly, the organization uses schedule management to identify anomalies in time plans and to initiate corrective measures. Monitoring and evaluation of proposed schedules and a comparison with the actual schedule has also been a critical tool for the company towards administration of contract plans (Harmon and Stephan, 2001) Proficiency in managing financial accounts and obligations in deliverables is another approach that the company applies towards administration of contract plan. By tracking consideration in agreements, the company avoids litigations for failure to meet its obligations in time. It has also helped the company to monitor and
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The advent of internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The advent of internet - Essay Example MD of the company told 'A' since she has done a module in IT Law, she can write an essay on legal issues related to practice or policies in the company. This will give 'A' working knowledge of the company and in case she detects any problems, then this can be raised with legal specialist. This company has a full order book designing and maintaining websites for small local businesses. But most work is put on its own website- The product aims to integrate successful product genres into an engaging virtual environment. Here online, past and present students can meet, reminisce and swap files, share music, mails, graphic files and chat. But when you look this site, you can notice quickly that there is active sharing of MP3 and adult files, and gossiping about their old lecturers and colleagues. There were also complaints from lecturers regarding these comments, asking for immediate removal of material and archve.There is also an issue of old assignment solutions being circulated to present students. The student Bar has a plethora of links to other sites including deep links well inside other sites providing up to date news, games, information, hacking resources, music, gossip, and academic cheat resources sites. Another main problem -Mr.' X 'one of the core development team member resigned over an argument over promotion. It was also found that he was selling the details of the subscribers to the site on to other agencies without the knowledge of the WWW. Now they are thinking of doing it themselves. Mr.'X' was taken, despite being renowned by his disposition to hacking, as he has worked previously in a similar site in the past. So he was considered for his expertise and he brought useful source code for the new project. There are also concerns that the recent viral attack on the site may have originated from this disgruntled employee, who is threatening to launch an identically themed site using no doubt the code he developed at WWW. The MD is aware there was no mention of intellectual property rights in the cursory job contract used for this employee. (MD notes in passing that he would welcome any idea of contract for his staff.) Some subscribers have complained that they have been approac hed by other organizations that appear to have information about them, which must have originated from the StudentBar.'X' who resigned over a payment and promotion row, is also demanding to see any file about him in the possession of WWW which give reasons why he was being, in his view, blocked from promotion. There
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Effectiveness of Executive Compensation Scheme Assignment
Effectiveness of Executive Compensation Scheme - Assignment Example The Tournament theory suggested that a small and a minute difference in ability basically leads towards high compensation. In simple terms, this definition basically fails to consider the main and the important significance of the executive compensation scheme or ECS in the overall governance of the organizations, for instance how and why these kinds of different bonuses are basically awarded and what actual benchmark is used. ECS have basically four main and important components which are:- The base fixed salary.- The stock options.- The long term incentive plans.- The annual bonuses which are usually being monetary or shares.All the stock options are normally based on the company's overall performance. Although the presentation and the features of the stock option are usually vivid and clear, the exact amount of the compensation can also be unclear as the amount could have been set many years ago and the share prices may also have changed. Furthermore, the executives may circum vent this in order to improve their performance with the help of accounting decisions in the earlier years before the turnover, which basically increases the reported results, or with the help of income-smoothing practice, which basically borrows the income from the future. Bonuses are basically shown separately to the share options in the company proxy statements. Although the cash compensation and all the other types of the compensation are disclosed separately in different other places like footnotes it is therefore termed as the complexity of the separation that can usually cause the reports to be more unclear for all the shareholders long term interest.  This basically suggests that the executives wield at least some kind of pressure on both the level and also on the structure of their compensation. For instance, most large US firms have a well-organized remuneration committee which basically consists of two or more two outside directors. Although all the major d ecisions which are related to the top-level compensation are passed through this organized committee, the committee then rarely conducts the market studies of the competitive compensation levels or the initiates or they propose new ECS or the executive compensation schemes.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions Essay Example for Free
Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions Essay Aim The aim of this experiment is to show that a reaction doesnt have always 100% yield by reacting NaHCO3 and HCl and determining the amount of the products to calculate actual yield. Introduction A chemical reaction will be quantitative if one of the reactants is completely consumed. In this experiment sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid start a reaction. The formula of this reaction is below. NaHCO3 + HCl NaCl + H2O + CO2 Observations In this experiment, sodium bicarbonate is put in an evaporating dish and some amount of HCl is added in the dish and the reaction started. Bubbles are formed and CO2 gas is produced and the reaction started to make sound. There was also water vapor formed. White NaHCO3 started to turn into a colorless liquid after adding HCl. As the reaction takes place water is started to form. NaCl was dissolved in water, so salty water is heated to obtain NaCl. As the liquid is heated it turned into a yellowish color for a few seconds. Then it started bubbling and water vapor is formed. Raw Data: Trial # Mass of Dish+NaHCO3+Lid +- 0.1 (g) Mass of NaCl+Water+Dish+Lid +- 0.1 (g) Mass of NaCl+Dish+Lid +- 0.1 (g) 1 64.14 g. 72.16 g. 63.28 g. 2 65.14 g. 72.95 g. 63.91g. Mass of Evaporating Dish + Lid: 62.14 +-0.1 g Processed Data: Trial #1 64.14 62.14 = 2 g NaHCO3 72.16 62.14 = 10.02 g NaCl + H2O 63.28 62.14 = 1.14 g NaCl Trial # 2 65.14 62.14 = 3 g NaHCO3 72.95 62.14 = 10.81 g NaCl + H2O 63.91 62.14 = 2.07 g NaCl Trial # Mass of NaHCO3 (g) Mass of NaCl + H2O (g) Mass of NaCl (g) 1 2 g 10.02 g 1.14 g 2 3 g 10.81 g 1.77g Calculations Na: 14.01 g/mol, H: 1.01 g/mol, Cl: 35.45 g/mol, O: 16 g/mol, C: 12.01 g/mol NaCl= 49.46 g/mol H2O= 18.02 g/mol NaHCO3: 75.03 g/mol Mole number of NaHCO3 = mole number of NaCl Trial #1 2 / 73.03 = 0.0274 mol NaHCO3 1.14 / 49.46 = 0.0230 mol NaCl Theoretical Yield: 0.0274 mol NaCl Percent Yield: 0.0230 / 0.0274 = 0.8394 x 100 = 83.94% Trial #2 3 / 73.03 = 0.0411 mol NaHCO3 1.77 / 49.46 = 0.0358 mol NaCl Theoretical Yield: 0.0411 mol NaCl Percent Yield: 0.0358 / 0.0411 = 0.8710 x 100 = 87.10% Conclusion The results are 83.94% for trial #1 and 87.10% for trial #2. Trial #2 is more accurate. The accepted value is 100%. The percentage errors are 16.06% for trial #1 and 12.90% for trial #2. The uncertainties are too small to calculate on the results. Random errors presented in this experiment. All the errors were done by human beings. There werent any errors due to a flaw of a machine or the procedure. Evaluation When salty water is heated on the first trial, the substance started to spill around, because the substance is heated with high amount of heat and faster than it should be. As a result, some of the NaCl which stuck on the lid and spilled around was lost, so the result of the first experiment is not accurate. Other reasons that changed the results may be all NaHCO3 may not be dissolved. Too much HCl may be added on the dish. There may be still water molecules left on the salt after heating. To get more accurate results, the experiment should be done more slowly than this experiment. Especially the heating process should be done slowly, so the evaporation can be observed more carefully.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Popularity Of Air Travel Tourism Essay
The Popularity Of Air Travel Tourism Essay The Wright brothers penned their names down in history when they built the first airplane which flew for 12 seconds. Thirteen years later, in 1936; the first passenger aircraft was produced with a capacity of 21 passengers. Since then, commercial flying has become a reality. However, it was a harsh reality because only an elite group of rich people had access to this luxurious life. In 1971, the first low budget airline, American company Southwest was launched. With the introduction of budget airlines into the market, flying became available to people of every class in society. The demand for air travel skyrocketed and the industry flourished. Thus, it is safe to say that rather than causing harm to the environment by contributing to global warming, the industry brings huge benefits in economical and social aspects and its presence is very much needed and welcomed in the travel sector. Throughout this essay, the term airline industry will be more commonly used than the term budget airlines as low cost airlines only represent a small fraction of the airline industry, not the whole industry. By looking at the bigger picture of the entire aviation industry, the impacts of the industry can be evaluated at a larger scale. Therefore, the overall impact of airlines on the environment and its benefits will be discussed rather than the effects of budget airlines alone. This essay will also focus on the airborne environment which comes more in contact with airline industry. Beginning with the industrial revolution, air transport has gained popularity because it saves international travel time as transportation becomes a basic necessity. As a result, environmentalists argue that the airline industry no doubt highly contributes to carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere as one of the fastest-growing sectors given the extra boost from budget airlines. The Environmental Protection Agency shows that in 1997, the U.S. aviation emitted carbon dioxide which was roughly comparable to the carbon emissions of certain industrialised countries (General Accounting Office 2000). Carbon dioxide gas is emitted as a by product of the burning of aviation fuel. As the main greenhouse gas, excessive amount of emissions cause global warming to rise at an alarming state. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts the worldwide temperature to increase from 34.7 to 40.1 degrees between 1990 and 2100 (Bowe, Hartley OConnor 2004). The increase in Earths te mperature brings about a chain of events, such as ice sheets and glaciers thawing, sparking a rise in sea levels and successive coastal flooding. In addition, the occurrence of tropical infectious diseases might increase in moderate climates. On the other hand, it is affirmed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) that the carbon dioxide vented by aircrafts actually only rationalise for a small 3.5 percent of the worldwide emission, even less by the budget carriers. This contrasts with 41 percent for other industrial sources and 23 percent for other transportation sources (General Accounting Office 2000). Moreover, aircraft experts are taking on the responsibility to minimise the negative impacts of aeroplanes. Giovanni Bisignani, director general of the IATA, claims commercial air travel has made much bigger steps in its environmental impact reduction than any other form of transport (Wastnage,J 2007), by using cleaner aircrafts, new fuels and introducing more sustai nable technologies. Thus, the industry cannot be solely accountable for global warming. On the contrary, airlines pose huge positive implications on the travel industry and economy as a whole. Low cost carriers pilot the industry to act as a catalyst for employment in other sectors such as tourism. A total of 7.7 million direct occupations in global tourism and 6.0 million indirect professions in sectors providing to tourism are estimated to be sustained by the spending of international tourists reaching by air, amounting to about USD 90 billion a year to global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) based on the Air Transport Action Groups (ATAG) report in 2008. Just as air travel is a vital component of tourism, tourism is in turn essential for economic growth. For example, in Africa, 25% of all tourism careers, an estimated 1.5 million occupations are supported by overseas visitors arriving via air (ATAG 2008). Giovanni Bisignani states in 2005 that tourism directly accounts for up to 50% of GDP in Pacific Air Travel Association (PATA) countries, and in Maldives, the sector ac counts for 80% of the economy. Hence, the sector holds a vital role in facilitating the growth of travel and tourism which are key factors in the increasingly globalised world economy. From a different perspective, this essay also takes into consideration a key group of stakeholder in the travel industry, the tourists themselves. Based on ATAGs 2008 report, travel and tourism provide substantial consumer welfare and social benefits. The existence of the air transport industry itself is a manifestation of consumer welfare where the demand to travel globally using a safe and fast mode of transportation is met. Looking beyond that, with budget airlines leading the way in making international travel readily accessible via cheaper tickets, a broader choice of holiday destinations are made available. As local standards of living improve, international air travel from India, China and other surfacing markets is raising swiftly (ATAG 2008). This means that tourists are no longer limited to regional holiday destinations. Travelling halfway around the globe becomes more common now than ever before. This provides freedom to travel and it facilitates the exchange of cultural a nd learning experiences. By being exposed to different cultures while abroad, many experiences are broadened while the understanding of other cultures increases. Both of these result in the improvement of quality of life and aid in better international integration. Moreover, the expansion of multicultural societies is supported when airlines, especially budget airlines provide an affordable mean for immigrants to visit their friends and family back home and vice versa. For that reason, inexpensive flights would ensure a raise in the quality of life. As a whole, while budget airlines and airlines do contribute to many environmental issues, the percentage to involvement is relatively small and according to Philip Murray Condit, former CEO of Boeing, it is the most environmentally friendly way to travel. Comparatively, the airline sector provides jobs for millions resulting in the rise of global economy. Socially, airlines induce the popularity of international travel and enhance cultural knowledge in order to foster better intergovernmental ties. Overall, budget airlines as part of the industry plays an active role in the society, generating profitable gains for everyone while planning ahead to reduce its negative impacts. Bottom line, the airline industry, not forgetting the budget airlines are meant to stay for years to come. (1111 words)
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Views on the Topic of Reeds Book Forest Dweller, Forest Protectors Ess
Views on the Topic of Reed's Book Forest Dweller, Forest Protectors Many of the countries of South America have experienced severe balance of payments deficits. In order to encourage development and solve these problems, the governments have engaged in misguided and largely unsuccessful development projects in the rain forests. Ranchers have cleared the forests to raise cattle. Colonization projects have brought small farmers into regions that were once virgin forest. The farming practices that were developed in temperate regions are not very successful in these areas. The land is quickly depleted and the farmers and ranchers clear more forest. The authors of this article suggest that this pattern is not necessary. They explain that simply by following the models of sustainable resource extraction practiced by the indigenous people of the area, the resources of the rain forest can be utilized sustainably. The areas in which sustainable resource extraction is being investigated include gathered products, wild game, aquaculture, agriculture, and resource units. The authors explain each type of resource and touch on how each can be extracted sustainably with the help of indigenous models. For example, game animals could be taken from the forest sustainably if they were "cropped in a form of ‘semi-domestication’ in abandoned garden sites" (Posey, et al 1984). This would mimic the indigenous people such as the Guaranà who are able to keep populations of important game animals artificially high when they allow them to eat food plants out of their gardens. If this model were followed, more animals could be hunted with less harm to the population. Agricultural practices of native peoples could also be copi... ... and used for meat in a sustainable way. I find this point to be highly controversial. Large mammals such as manatees are more vulnerable to over-hunting because their populations are not very dense. Many varieties of turtles are already endangered in the rain forests because there is too much sediment and pollution in the rivers. I don’t think that these species should be considered in sustainable hunting programs. Finally, some of the ideas of these authors, including gathering insects, organizing plantations of fruit bearing trees and keeping animals that eat the fruits on the land as a "game farm," and developing resource units seem a little bit far fetched. All of the ideas of this paper do, however, merit careful review. Any use of a rain forest that maintains the biodiversity and all allows the ecosystem to remain intact is better than clear cutting.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Grandparents and Grandchildren Relationships Essay
There are many benefits that can be enjoyed as a result of the relationships between grandparents and their grandchildren. The benefits that can result from such relationships are loving companionship, the grandchildren gain mentors, and the grand parents can educate the grandchildren on the family history as well as their culture. It is therefore clear that the grandchildren can gain more knowledge from their relationship with their grandparents. According to Weston &Qu (2009, p. 59), there are many roles that the grandparents can play on their grandchildren growth. However, their ability to perform these roles is dependent on the relationship that exists between the grandparents and the grandchildren. One important role that the grandparents can play in the growth of the grandchildren is teaching them their history and their culture. Therefore, from this relationships the grandchildren gains historians and educators. Another important role that the grandparents can play on the growth of their grandchildren is mentoring them. Children require mentorship in order to avoid making some mistakes such as engaging in immoral behaviors. As a result of these relationships, children develop life skills on activities which can be performed during their leisure times. Grandparents also can gain some benefits from their relationships with their grandchildren. For instance, some grandparents use their parenting skills in grand parenting in order to prove to their children that they are good parents as a result of their years of experience (Mader, 2007, p. 1). Further, this relationship offers the grandparents with an opportunity to be involved in their grandchildren’s lives. As a result of the various benefits identified on the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren, such relationships are very import ant to the grandparents as well as to their grandchildren. Whereas the grandchildren gain historians, mentors and educators, the grandparents get an opportunity to be involved in their grandchildren’s lives. References Mader, S.L. (2007). Benefits of Grandparenting.Family and Consumer Sciences. The Ohio State University. Retrieved from: Weston, R &Qu, L. (2009).Relationships between grandparents and grandchildren. Family Matters 2009 No. 81. Retrieved from:
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